Dear Affiliates,
We're excited to announce that our JSON API has been updated! As of today, you can now retrieve information about whether an image is in portrait or landscape orientation using our API. This will help you tailor your marketing efforts and provide a more seamless experience for your users.Parameters are Orientation Type, ex:
0 - Unset,
1 - Landscape,
2 - Portrait
Dear Affiliates,
We are excited to introduce Link.Cam : a free personalized URL that simplifies the memorization and communication of your social media to your
followers and clients.
With Link.Cam, you can group all your social media links in one place. This centralization not only makes it easier to manage your accounts but also to communicate with your audience.
Hurry and choose your domain before it's too late!
Best regards,
The XloveCash.com Team
Dear Affiliates,
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new VR.cam 02, specially designed for live streaming in VR180 format. This camera promises exceptional image quality and an immersive experience at an attractive price of 199.00 euros, excl. VAT.
With its dual lenses, the Vr.cam 02 captures videos in 4K resolution (3840 x 1920 pixels at 30 frames per second), ideal for mainstream streaming and for models.
For any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are at your disposal.
Best regards,
The XloveCash.com Team
Dear Affiliates,
We are happy to announce that we have expanded the options for displaying pictures in our XML Feed. Previously, you were limited to an aspect ratio of 320x240, but now that has changed.
Please use the following link: HERE
scroll to Gallery Pictures and choose image sizes
Images can now be displayed as “default", "small", “medium”, “big”, and “maximum”.
XloveCash Team
Dear Affiliate,
This message is to inform you about our contractual conditions.
The new General Conditions applicable are online and apply to all affiliates.
We recommend that you read them carefully as they now govern all legal relationships.
Best regards,
The XloveCash team
Dear Affiliate,
We are pleased to announce that a new version of the Xlovecam site was launched on March 22, 2023, and we are very satisfied with the positive feedback from most users. Of course, for those who wish, a return to the old version of the site is always possible, with the link located in the banner at the top of the page.
Important: In the coming weeks, ALL Xclones-desktops will be migrated to this new version. Xclones that are already with a single web version are not affected.
If you want to migrate your Xclone-desktop now, send us your request via the contact page.
In any case, the desktop version, in a few weeks, will no longer benefit from any updates.
We remain at your disposal,
Best regards,
The Xlovecash team
Dear Affiliate,
We are happy to announce that you can now promote users to our VR category.
VR Category
We have over 100 models within Beta testing, and the product will mature over the following months.
Soon the VR category will be available via all promo tools.
Dear Affiliate,
"VR.cam 01" production is ramping up.
Best regards,
The XloveCash team
Dear Affiliate,
This message is to inform you about our contractual conditions.
The new General Conditions applicable are online and apply to all affiliates.
We recommend that you read them carefully as they now govern all legal relationships.
Best regards,
The XloveCash team